Add24 Services Private Limited provides the best Search Engine Marketing (SEM) services. Search Engine Marketing is a form of digital marketing that involves promoting a website or web pages on search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo through paid advertising. SEM aims to increase a website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) by placing advertisements that are relevant to specific search queries.

Search Engine Marketing SEM

Here’s how Search Engine Marketing works:

  • Keyword Research
  • Ad Creation
  • Bidding
  • Ad Placement
  • Ad Display
  • Clicks and Conversions
  • Budget Management
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Here's how Search Engine Marketing works:

Keyword Research

The process starts with identifying relevant keywords or phrases that potential customers might use when searching for products, services, or information related to the business.

Ad Creation

We create compelling text ads that include the chosen keywords. These ads typically consist of a headline, description, and a link to the target webpage.


We set the bid on the keywords we want to target. The bid amount represents how much the company is willing to pay for each click on their ad (Cost Per Click or CPC) or for a certain number of ad impressions (Cost Per Thousand Impressions or CPM).

Ad Placement

When a user enters a search query that matches the chosen keywords, an auction takes place among those who are bidding on those keywords. The search engine’s algorithm considers both the bid amount and the ad’s relevance to the user’s query to determine which ad to display.

Ad Display

The selected ads are displayed prominently on the search engine results page, usually above or below the organic (unpaid) search results. They are often marked as “Ad” or “Sponsored” to indicate that they are paid advertisements.

Clicks and Conversions

When users click on the ad, they are directed to the advertiser’s landing page. The success of the SEM campaign is measured by the number of clicks, as well as the conversion rate – how many of those clicks lead to desired actions, such as making a purchase, signing up, or filling out a form.

Budget Management

We set daily or campaign budgets to control their spending on SEM. Once the budget is exhausted, the ads may stop displaying until the next budget cycle.

Search Engine Marketing offers several advantages, including:

Immediate Results

Unlike organic SEO (Search Engine Optimization), which takes time to show results, SEM can generate traffic and visibility for a website quickly.

Targeted Advertising

We can choose specific keywords and demographics to reach their intended audience.

Measurable ROI

SEM campaigns are highly trackable, allowing advertisers to measure their return on investment and make data-driven decisions.


We can adjust their campaigns in real-time, modifying keywords, ad copy, and budgets to optimize performance.

In summary, Search Engine Marketing through creating and managing paid advertising on search engines to attract potential customers and drive traffic to a business’s website.